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Workshop & studio discussion:
"visual note-taking & drawing in new dimensions"
for PH students, LUKB Lucerne, 2019.

As part of the specialization studies in art, guided tours were conducted by Christina Peretti on the topic of drawing and visual notation for PH students. Afterwards, a discussion round led by Christina Peretti took place with the students in the basement of the LUKB.

What associations and thoughts were triggered? What does art mean to viewers personally and in their prospective work? What can drawing be all about? What roles does drawing have in the context of art, story telling, media literacy development, and teaching?

The exhibition of both analog and digital drawing works and the artistic strategies presented served as a field of inspiration for the studio discussion.

Workshop: Drawing discovery in crystals & Create to learn
for young people from secondary schools in Baar, Galerie Billing Bild, 2014.

The workshop of Christina Peretti on the topic "Searching for traces in crystal" starts with a viewing and discussion of the works of the artist in the gallery Billing Bild in Baar. This offers on the one hand a field of inspiration, as well as an exercise in art viewing. Christina Peretti will present her artistic strategies and approaches and answer questions.

In the drawing laboratory, which is set up in the middle of the gallery, the students then draw themselves using magnifying glasses and crystals and are individually advised by Christina Peretti. The goal is to find their own realizations and associations.

The students' works will be discussed after the production. Through the combination of inspiration, contemplation of works, self-activity and reflection, a learning process is created. The focus is on independent, practical work and the development of creativity: Create to learn.

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